Answers to frequently asked questions.
We’re a team of eight professionals who have been guiding and supporting managers and specialists with professional matters for many years. We all have a solid university or college education plus additional training in coaching and organizational development. As former managers ourselves, we know the challenges faced by people within organizations first-hand.
No, your employer will only be informed about the total number of conversations being held on a monthly basis without knowing the language of the conversation, date and time or the conversation channel (chat or phone).
Registration enables your bookings to be processed efficiently. You only need to provide your email address so that we can send you your booking confirmation with further important information. In the confirmation email you will also find a link to cancel the appointment. If you want to cancel, however, you must do so 24 hours before your appointment.
We will also send you an email a day after the meeting where you will have the opportunity to rate the conversation. This helps us to further adapt the quality of our service to your needs. Your email address is only visible to the system administrator at Spot Coaching.
The aim of Spot Coaching is to provide one session to help you structure and clarify your concern. If this isn’t possible, it might make sense to have a second conversation. However, our experience shows that most topics can already be adequately dealt with and clarified in the first conversation.
When you book an appointment with Spot Coaching, we deliberately limit your choice to the gender of the coach and the language of the session. In any case we guarantee professional coaches with an excellent educational background and many years of experience in coaching. However, if it’s very important for you to speak with a specific person you’ve already had contact with at Spot Coaching, we kindly ask you to contact our office by phone.
Yes, corporate membership is not a prerequisite for booking a call. While the costs of corporate membership are borne by the respective organization, private individuals have to bear them themselves. In the course of the booking process you can choose your desired payment method (post office, credit card, etc.).
The handling of personal data is very important to us. We comply with the new data protection guidelines in Europe. If you have any questions, please contact Christoph Küffer ( directly. You will find the details in our data privacy policy as well as in our standard terms of business.
Spot Coaching AG, Effingerweg 10, 5000 Aarau, +41 55 508 38 00 or +41 79 434 97 37
With Spot Coaching we’ve made leadership advice uncomplicated and easily accessible.
Spot Coaching AG was founded in 2014. The service is aimed at managers and skilled professionals who are looking for a quick and uncomplicated exchange on a work-related issue. We’re a team of eight professional coaches dedicated to enhancing our clients’ thinking capacity for 60 minutes. Phone or chat calls can be booked at short notice. Our clients include Migros, Sanitas, Canton Zurich, Certas, and many more.
What motivates us.
In their respective roles as coach and HR manager, Lucia and Christoph both experienced what happens to people when they don’t have the right person to talk to within their organization. There are many reasons for this, from availability to a lack of trust.
If contradictions and tension remain unresolved for too long, people’s minds start to go around in circles and they feel under greater and greater strain. The suicide of two executives prompted us to found Spot Coaching and offer everyone straightforward access to a sparring partner for work issues.